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  • Montava

Native Hill Winter CSA Shares On Sale

As we leave August behind, it time to start looking towards the darker, colder months ahead.  With much of the fall harvest already in the ground, we are busily working towards a plan for winter and are hoping you will join us for the fun by signing up for a winter farm share.

Shares are currently on sale and are selling fast!  We don't want you to miss out on any of the fresh and local during the coming months and we always sell out, so don't delay! Pick ups are from 4-7pm at Equinox Brewing and will take place every other Wednesday starting Nov 7th and running through March 27st. Wednesdays packed for you?  Farm pick-up available all day Thursdays if you miss out on the Wednesday party.

Jodar Farms will also be joining us for the fun and will be selling cuts of pork, eggs, and other farm carnivorous delights.  It doesn't get much better than local veggies, local beer, and local meat in the dark days of winter, so don't miss out! This year we will be offering a VERY limited number of "smaller" shares, so if you are concerned about the amount of food in a regular share, consider signing up soon to take advantage of the opportunity.

Click here for sign-up info and more details about 2018 winter farm shares.  

Winter Farm Share Veggie List KaleCollardsChard Arugula Spinach  Salad Mix Gun Sho Broccoli Rabe Baby Bok Choy Spicy Mix Onions Garlic Beets Carrots Parsnips Cabbage Watermelon Radishes Potatoes Celeriac Kohlrabi

Farmer's Tip Eat More Greens!


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